Monday, December 03, 2007

My school

we are now in our class this is third of ESO.

this is the corridor of secundary school.

the informatic class with the computers.

this is the place with the teachers works.

Now we are in the garden of secundary and primary.

Now we are in the basketball pitch.

Now we are in the footbal pitch.

this is the dinning room here the cookers make the food.

Now we are in the garden child. GOOD BYEEE!!!

credits: escuela 2...

Monday, October 22, 2007


Birmania is a country of southwest Asiatic.
It limits in the north of china, in the south with the sea of Andamán, in the east with Laos and Thailand and the west with the India, Bangladesh andthe Gulf of Bengala.
The country is guide since a military regime for 47 years and they do not celebrate elections since 17 years.
The military junta is affected for protests directed for monks Buddhist that they are ask that have free election and that arrive the democracy.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


The day 15 of August had a earthquake in one city in Peru.
All the city was destroyed. Had but of 510 died, 1500 hurt and 17.000 houses
destroyed, thanks to the humanitarian aid of others countrys the catastrophe
to be worse, but It is left much to do.
My cousine Alba the day after to the earthquake travel to Peru and She could
verify the tragedy of the earthquake.


FirE iN gReecE"·-]

I n the month of August prodced the fire more biggest that is know Greece,
in the Pelopones.
The fires were causeddeliberatly. Had sixty-four victoms.
The temperatures but of 40º, and the drought do that produce this catastrophe.


The day 7 of july we began the trip to Asturias. we possed by Madrid and we went to the "Museo del prado" and to the thiser.
To the following day we continued the trip towards Asturias and we arrived to the
parque natural de redes (Asturias)" where we had the shetter.
There we bring wiht uncles, friends that they also come to spend days.
During all the week we were doing excursions by the mountain. One day we did "La senda del oso" in bicycle.
Also we did cande. To Sunday 21 we returned to Valencia.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

In CaNaRias"·*]

The day 21 og August I "me fuí" the holidays to the Palmas of Gran Canaria whth mys fathers. Take a airoplane in the airport of manises and another airoplane in Barajas that "nos llevo" to Las Palmas.

The Island is very Prettywith great volcanos, and one the "los mas altos" is the Roque Nublo(more of 2000 meters of altitude).

It has bigs beach of black sand (volcanic) and yeyow, the sea is very clean and It has very fish.

We many canary plates for exemple: "Papa arrugá, mojo picón (that lo ponian en casi todos los platos), canary kattle, cake of Gofio, and many fish diferents" etc...

Also we See the Teide.
The day 30 of August we return in aeroplane to valencia.
credits: travels to the Canary Islands

In CaNaRias"·*]

ANtOnio PUErtA*"-]

Antonio José Puerta Pérez, born in Sevilla of 26 the novembre the 1984, very near of Estadium Sánchez Pizjuán.

Puerta played all the sport career i the Sevilla C.F. Won Several titles for exemple: the cup of the king, the cup of the UEFA and the cup of Europa.
In the best of his career he had a "paro cardiaco" that it end with his life.
The woman of Puerta was pregnant of 7 months.
credits: http//

Thursday, May 31, 2007


The desert of Sahara is the biggest desert of the world with 9.065.500 km2 of surface.
It is in North Africa.
It has 2,5 millions years. This desert share frontier with allmos all the countrys of the North Africa.
Her composition is of gravel, sand
and dunes. In the desert of Sahara single to snower once in 18th of February of 1997, in the south from Argelia to half night.
In this desert they have bee filmed many films and articles.

Saint Valentine

On 14th of February is Saint Valentine's day.
This is a tradicional holiday where lovers give presents each other.
It is usually to present flowers, Valentine's cards or chocolates. The Legend says that Saint Valentine befan because a marhr colled Valentine died on February 14 269 ac.
The day because associated with romantic love in Middle Ages. Because in the days of Claudius it who cancelled all marriage in Rowe, there was a prior who secretly warried couples.
Now a days is a commercial holiday because people only buy presents to each other.

Sunday, March 25, 2007


As every years we have made the interchange with a Franch school.
They arrived at 6:30 in the afternoon the 8 th of march by bus. When they arrived we went into the school we introduced oureselves and eat the food that had prepared our parents.
When we finished we went home with our correspondent.
During the week we did visits the some places.
On friday we went to the oceanografic we were all day and we returned school at 3:30 in the afternoon.
On Saturday and Sunday we were with our families.
On monday we went to the "albufera" but it began to rain and we couldn't go on boat.
On tuesday we stayed at school all day.
On wednesday we visited the old part of valencia and at 2 o'clock we watched the "mascleta" and we had lunch in the "Parterre".
On thursday the French boys and girls went France. We had bery good time and enjoy very much.


Fallas is the typical festival of valencia.

They begin on 15th of march and they end on 19th of march.

The munuments are made of cork, cardboard and wood. The "Falleros" are the people that wear the typical regional clothes of Valencia.

On 15th of march they put on the streets this monuments and they are burned on 19th of march.

During these days every body throw fire crakers in the streets.
Every night there are faire works and at 2pm there are "mascleta". Also it is typical to eat "buñuelos" and chocolate.
Tehre are two days that the "Falleros" take flowers to the virgin of Valencia.
The "Falla" that has won is the "Falla nuo campanar".
This festival is only in Valencia and its villages.

Monday, January 22, 2007


The green hause effect is form for the rise of CO2, what provoke for the contamination of the cars, factoris, nuclears power stations, forest arson etc...
The contamination dirty the atmosphere and the rays of sun bring but Yt's not can go out for the CO2, for that the earth is each time hotter. The way of stop is use fountains of energi not contaminates and ecologicals: That energy (elóica), energy solar etc... and go (poco a poco reduciendo) the emissions of CO2. The U.E. have prever what in the year 2010 to con reduce at 10% the emissions of CO2, and in the year 2020 at 20%. They put sanctions the countries wath they do not carry.

Earthquake is produce when the plate terrestrial collide betwin them or is shave.
The place where is produce the earthquake his name is "hipocentro" and the one place what receive "epicentro".
There is other earthquake what is produce in the oceano but his name is tsunami and create a bigs waves.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


The christmas in Italy are days family and religious. The Italian people call " notte di Capodanno" the last night of the year.
The tipical full is lentejas. Is usually go a party the disco or stay in at home with friends or family.
The tipical Magic King night in Spain (6 of January) is in Itali called "Witch Befana".
She goes rided in her broown and she bring presents for the italian childrens.

The christmas in Spain

The day 22 of December is special day
because begin the chritmas with the
draw and distribute a lot of money for Spain.
The night of 24 December we have dinner in family and is the day that santa claus comes with present for the childrens.

The last day of year is celebrated the new years Eve, at 12 o'clock of the night, every body eat 12 grapes.
The 6 of jenuary for night the three wise men bring presents for every childrens.